About Baptism at Grace
Questions you might have about baptism...
A lot happens in baptism. Through the water, God touches a human member of God's creation and says....
You are incorporated into Christ and into his body, the church.
You are initiated, adopted into my covenant people.
You are called! Chosen! Saved! Born again!
Your are forgiven - free to live without excuses.
You are marked with the cross of Christ forever.
You are given the gift of the Holy Spirit.
What is baptism?
What are sponsors?
Who can be baptized?
In the Lutheran tradition, a person can be baptized at any age. We don't require "believer baptism," but rather believe that baptism is the beginning of a relationship with God. The faith and forgiveness that comes in that relationship are free gifts of God for people of all ages whether infants, older children or adults.
When do baptisms happen?
Baptisms occur on Sundays during the regularly scheduled worship service. This is done for several reasons. Since the baptized person is becoming a member of the Christian Church, and also of the congregation, it is fittingly a community event. Further, the congregation also undertakes certain responsibilities regarding the spiritual nurture of the baptized. It is therefore important for the congregation to be present. Baptisms are, however, performed at other times in the event of extenuating circumstances.
Baptismal sponsors (sometimes called Godparents) can be friends, family members, or members of Grace. They should, however, be active members of a Christian congregation. For young children, they make the promise to share with the parents the responsibility to raise the child in the faith. Whether those baptized are children or adults, sponsors can play a significant role in supporting their spiritual life in the years to come. With children, baptismal sponsors should not be confused with the person named in a will as a legal guardian in case of emergency. The responsibilities are separate, and very well may be assumed by different people. Lastly, while sponsors can assist the child's faith growth in wonderful ways, they are entirely optional, since the parents are considered the primary baptismal sponsors.
Do we have to be members of the congregation?
Adults who are baptized at Grace are also committing themselves to membership in the congregation. For infants and young children, at least one parent should be a member, since baptism involves the parent's acceptance of the responsibility of the Christian nurture of a child. Exceptions, however, are made in special circumstances.
How can I arrange a baptism?
Please call or email the church office to schedule a time to meet with Pastor Mark to talk about baptism and its meaning. This is also an excellent time to have your specific questions answered, and to plan a celebration of baptism for a particular Sunday.