We remember those recovering from illness or accidents, or with special needs:
especially Mary Curtis, Judy Dobson, Laura Erdman, Jan Jackson, Lois Narveson, Eudelma Olson, Orville Olson, Joyce Widder; Marge Aurit (friend of many), Doug Broaden (brother of Brad Broaden), Barbara Eveland (mother of Donna Heil), Addison Gralund (grand-niece of Terry & Jan Tilleraas), Jan Helwig-Schrobilgen (friend to many), Barb Hirsch (friend to Beverly Adams-Sugden), Gwen & Ron Ihle (parents of Suzanne Elsner), David Kaiser (son-in-law of Brenda Judd), Doris Kienitz (sister-in-law to Marie Miller), Rudy Klir (cousin of Mary Curtis), Dan & Sylvia Limmex (friends of Cheryl Menon), Haila Miller (friend of Janice McMannes), Enzo B. Pagni (great-grandson of Charles Anderson), Matteo A. Pagni (great-grandson of Charles Anderson), Gene Pepper (son-in-law of Brenda Judd), Laurie Peterson (daughter of Russell & Karen Peterson), Sari Ripatti (friend of the Engel family), Kim Roble (friend of Mary Curtis), Mark Ruf (friend of Janice McMannes), Jeff Swenson (father of Tim Swenson), Betty Williams (friend of Donna Heil), Ted Witter (father of Julie Witter-Jewell), Debra Worthington (daughter of Dan & Shirley Curran), Liz Yaeger (sister of Phyl Erickson), JayLan & Kori Young (friends of Mary Curtis), Sacia (friend of Ron & Joyce Evans), Anonymous friend (friend of Joyce Widder), Brittany and Bobbie (friends of Vicar Matthew).
If you have suffered a loss, notify the church office so we may pray for you in your grief. Please notify the office if there are any changes to your prayer list requests.